Selected Topics in Architecture and Technology: Parametric Acoustics: Computational Approaches to Designing Sound and Space

ARC3406H S
Instructor: Brady Peters
Meeting Section: L0101
Wednesday, 3:00PM - 6:00PM
Sound is a component of all architecture, yet architectural design methods are noticeably silent. However, the most popular parametric system, Grasshopper (GH), is customizable and supports a rich ecosystem of plugins including many types of building performance simulation, including acoustic simulation. Parametric modelling therefore presents an opportunity to integrate sound into architectural design, and at early design stages. This concept of “parametric acoustics” will be the focus of the course. This course necessarily introduces the basic principles of architectural acoustics, and explores the science behind acoustic simulation algorithms. The course introduces students to concepts of sound and architecture, how architects can simulate sound, and how this simulation can then be integrated into a productive architectural design workflow. This course is taught through lectures, class discussions, guest lectures, and grasshopper and simulation tutorials. Students will have the opportunity to undertake experiments designing new architectural spaces for acoustic performance, explore new methods of visualizing sound, and fabricate innovative acoustic surfaces with digital fabrication technologies.