Selected Topics in Urban Design: Cultivating Public Art

URD1506H F
Instructor: Noel Troxell
Meeting Section: L0101
Monday, 9:00AM - 12:00PM

Public Art is a part of our public history. It is a reflection of local culture, and of society.

This course is designed to explore placement and context of Public Art. We will discuss human factors, both to recognize and elevate the importance of Public Art.

Using the City of Toronto as an example, the course will review some of the City’s database, noting its location and site typology within the urban framework of the public realm. The course will discuss the artist and their intent, materials used for permanent installations, and ownership. We will also discuss the importance of temporary installations and removed works, from the perspective of a societal urban curatorial collective.

Offered as a series of seminars with in-class discussions, the course will provide practical knowledge on Public Art and the process required to implement Public Art.

The objective of the course is to provide students with tools necessary to understand the interconnected framework required to analyze and cultivate an awareness of Public Art. This includes considerations to assist with future opportunities, stock, and accessibility of Public Art. By the end of this course a successful learner will be able to: - Understand the importance of Public Art - Discuss Public Art policies and specific Public Art requirements - Relay examples of artists and urban locations where the artwork has enhanced the public realm - Identify and evaluate typologies for the implementation of Public Art