Extension of Term Work
Petitions for extension of term work can only be filed after the last day of classes for the relevant term, and before the end of the relevant examination period.
Matters concerning term work normally fall within the authority of the instructor. Students unable to comply with given deadlines must contact their instructor prior to the deadline if an extension to the deadline is being requested. Students should expect no consideration if an issue is raised after the assignment deadline.
Normally, all term work must be submitted by the last day of classes, unless an earlier date has been specified by the instructor. Instructors may grant extensions beyond their own deadlines or beyond the last day of classes up until the last day of the examination period provided that a student presents legitimate reasons (e.g. illness) with appropriate documentation as determined by the instructor.
Extensions beyond the last day of the examination period can be approved only through a petition. The deadlines for petitions are strictly enforced. If there are compelling reasons why a petition is being filed after the deadline, a covering letter explaining the reasons and requesting late consideration must accompany the petition. The issue of lateness must be satisfactorily resolved before the substance of the petition may be considered. Late petitions without sufficient reason for lateness will not be considered, no matter how compelling. For complete information see the Daniels Faculty Undergraduate Academic Calendar, under "Appeals and Petitions".
Extension of Term Work Petition Deadline
The deadline to submit a petition for an Extension of Term Work is the last day of the relevant examination period.
Extension of time for term work petitions must be initiated before the last day of the relevant examination period. Late requests will not be accepted. Students must file the petition through the Office of the Registrar and Student Services after consultation with the instructor regarding a suitable extension date. Daniels students must submit all petitions through the Daniels Faculty, whether the course in question is a Daniels course or a Faculty of Arts & Science course. The Appeals Committee consults the department concerned for information about the status of the course work, and the steps, if any, that must be taken to complete the course. Students seeking an extension of time for term work are expected to have been in contact with their instructor before the initial deadline and must continue working on the outstanding assignments while they await a decision.