Towards a New Reality Architecture : Through the Looking-Glass of The Interopera

Sub-Totality [sample cut], Interopera, hand drawing and collage, Brian Boigon 2017
ARC3016Y S
Instructor: Brian Boigon
Meeting Section: L0105
Tuesday, 2:00pm - 6:00pm; Friday, 2:00pm - 6:00pm
"You are everything and nothing at the same time. But if you are in two places at once, then you are everything and nothing in one place and nothing and everything in another."
- Brian Boigon, Interopera Reader @2017
This Research Studio will focus on designing architecture through the quantum field. Students will be guided through the fundamental concepts of multi-dimensional quantum mechanical physics referring to scientific, literary and philosophical works. Design work will refer specifically to quantum physicist David Bohm’s work Wholeness and the Implicate Order:
Architecture in this studio is understood to be a deeply rich and profound investigation into the nature of being, consciousness and localization. I believe that architecture is one of the most effective operational discourses in which to collect and yield philosophical inquiries around the design of multi-dimensionality and consciousness.
The studio will be divided into 3 compounding parts of design that will interlink to the following Thesis semester:
Measurement, Special Relativity and the Inertial Frame
2. Looping:
Open Loop, Higher Dimensional Reality and Sub-Totalities
3. Projecting:
Reality Projection, Holomovement and The Implicate Order
“Space is not empty. It is full, a plenum as opposed to a vacuum, and is the ground for the existence of everything, including ourselves. The universe is not separate from this cosmic sea of energy.”
- David Bohm
David Bohm defines reality as a relative temporal term that would be presumptuous of us to assume is the a-priori reality. He further states that we exist elsewhere in a continuous loop; in a holomovement residing in a higher dimensional reality.

Holomovement, Bastille Navigation Tops Test 001 3D model, Brian Boigon in association with Vincent Javet and Jessica Guintio, 2018

Bank Shot diagram
The shifting field of existence and reality is mitigated by a bank shot* through consciousness itself. *A Bank Shot in billiards refers to any shot where the object ball strikes at least one cushion or rail before being pocketed.
Consciousness is the trigger that propels (via a “bank shot”) self-awareness into a relational-perturbational environment. If then a propulsion toward one reality is accompanied by another, (and yet another) the quantum world unfolds like a flower:
“To see the world in a grain of sand
and heaven in a wildflower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hand
and eternity in an hour.”
–William Blake
Time and Design
In respects to moving through higher dimensional reality, time ceases to matter. Quantum dimensional Architecture and the Interopera are of this higher dimensional reality. Whereby things will be shaped in the studio by presenting sub-totalities extracted and framed from a higher dimensional field (in a multi-verse). Architecture in these worlds do not distinguish between parts and wholes or this reality vs another.

Eli Vokounova,…
Each Student will be asked to identify their design pathway in this solid-fluid continuum. The studio will investigate the radical concept that all (solid) field and (fluid) particle movements are one and the same. All forms of architecture then, are said to exist simultaneously in a multi-versal world of
Past, Present and Future.
The multi-verse then, Towards a New Reality Architecture, presents us in all places at once and without measurement. It is all the past, present and future in which identifiable modalities (fields and particles) are then uttered legible by the writing/design of the trilogy:
This did happen.
This is happening.
This is going to happen.
If anything.
Towards a New Reality Architecture is not here but elsewhere and here at the same time.
In order to understand the world of quantum-dimensional design, one must first assume that we are trapped in 2 and 3 dimensions to the extent that we cannot fathom the other dimensions beyond what Heidegger assigned to “being”, the word… “measurement” and concluded without measurement there is no sense of this “being”. Hence, without a fluid adaptive instrument of measurement, quantum reality in all its way, shapes and forms cannot be held accountable/unaccountable.
Like this.
I am here writing. You will read it later in the future. You are now reading something that is my future. I write now. You are reading in the future which is your present. So, since your present is my future, who’s to say that your present-tense should take precedent over my future one? If, for example, I can write my future and measure it in words since in your reading my future, it then, becomes your present. Holomovement is conceived of in this multi-versal universe then, as a totality; that is here and there and back now then. And yet my words drip onto the page as the past from a thought transcribed by my brain. The words are measured in the past, cast in print in the present and read by you in the future.

Interopera, hull, shrapnel Test 001, 3D Print Render. Brian Boigon in association with Vincent Javet and Jessica Guintio, 2018
I can measure all of this. I can say that each off these are steady states that are informed by the quantum synchronization of nearby attached (non-local) and non-attached (local) pulses emanating from a range of sub-totality figures. I can say that this writing is a totality and subtotality. That me thinking, writing and you reading is a quantum totality.
Bohm refers to quantum theory as having a fundamentally new kind of non-causal connection of elements that are distant from each other, which is as he mentions, was first brought to our attention by the experiment of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR quantum entanglement teleportation- 1936) whereby Bohm says “the analysis of a total system into a set of independently existent but interacting particles breaks down in a radically new way. One discovers instead both from consideration of the meaning of the mathematical equations and from the results of actual experiments, that the various particles have to be taken literally as projection of a higher dimensional reality which cannot be accounted for in terms of any force of interaction between them.” (Bohm, David; Wholeness and the Implicate Order)
Hence the writing metaphor is correct here.
I think. I write. You read.
These 3 actions are all sustained by the measured rate defined in Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity whereby the static or steady state: steadiness if you will, is obtained my measuring particles/waves (i.e. fields) up against and therefore, through what he calls the “Inertial Frame”. This frame however, is part of the mechanistic order of physics and is then in this studio set into a through-put to looping and projecting.
Herein this Research Studio then
We are all one totality in which Bohm would say has “relatively independent sub-totalities” that are autonomous. He refers to these kinds of sub-totalities as holomovements that are unbroken just as is reality then; whole, including the entire universe supporting all its fields and particles.

Double Slit Experiment, David Bohm
All flows and all solids.
This Studio and its Interopera rest inside a totality that transmits itself by way of sub-totalities. These are fixed and measured through the Inertial Frames of a sub-reality sent from, as one projection in the higher dimension to yet another, or onto a (local-pulse) sub-totality. Towards a New Reality Architecture Research Studio will delve into the architectures of the multiverse and investigate ways and means to design quantum dimensional space.
“The engineer merely tries to make people hear the pulsation of supernovas, of neutrinos, of dark energies, to be identified after him. This subtle rhythm does not revitalize explosions, Passemant puts them in perspective so as to make people feel their cosmic breath, to externalize them and make them visible and audible to the present, to those present to the court, to everyone.”
– Julia Kristeva, Enchanted Clock
Architects here in this Research Studio then, takes Kristeva’s quantum-like visibility and assigns it a forming process by shaping reality across the quantum design trilogy of Framing, Looping and Projecting.
Brian Boigon, Thesis Research Instructor, Towards a New Reality Architecture