When the Rubber Hits the Road

ARC467H1 S
Instructor: Miles Gertler
Meeting Section: L0101
Winter 2023

This seminar examines parades, processions, and logistical caravans from the present moment as under-acknowledged tools for city-building. Parades of a commercial, funereal, religious, or military nature all share a concern for the technical, performative, and geo-spatial that, along with their public audiences, cultural anchoring, and engagement with design, present effectively as mobile architectural convoys. Often equipped with a ceremonial, economic, or instrumental function, parades can serve as a pragmatic means of urban or transurban activation and self-construction. This course will work to establish a vocabulary for these events and situations that don’t conform to familiar typological genres and will endeavor to rigorously describe the worlds that parades produce. Working through a documentary method of inquiry, students will work in small teams for the duration of the semester to unpack live, ongoing, or recent parade phenomena and extra-architectural situations through visual representation and verbal discursive analysis, culminating in a complex, “world map” drawing and report. This course will be delivered in person synchronously.