Architectural Design Studio 4: Comprehensive Building Project – ARC2016

Cloud Park Arts Centre

Similar to a thunder cloud, the Arts Centre encourages the collision of different occupants and programs by acting as a host for spontaneous or informal performances, artistic installations and chance inter-disciplinary encounters. The character of the building is dependent upon its occupants: the flexible lightweight framework allows the building to evolve depending on the needs of the local and broader community. 

The intent is to blur the empirical and the ephemeral through the use of necessary and whimsical structural components. The enclosed building form is derived from the rational and relentless nature of the grid. Conceptually, this framework explores the potentials of visual redundancy as a means to cloud the building’s overall form. The exterior clouding intends to create a visual noise to blur the boundaries between inside and outside, produce density for shading and add a performative quality to the facade. 

Through the manipulation of densities, programmatic uses are suggested and defined, while still providing for future flexibility. The void of the internal atrium acts as the heart of the building, around which all programs radiate and all occupants circulate. Within the Cloud, programs overlap in unexpected ways, offering the public privileged views into otherwise private creative spaces, thus promoting the wider community.