MLA Thesis

Tridimensional Border 

The border between Mexico and the United States illustrates a deeper reality of both alienation and connection between the two nations. The socio-economic relationship is complex, with multiple exchanges of labour, capital, raw material, production, wildlife, and culture. With the completion of trade agreements such as NAFTA, hundreds of assembly plants from the United States rushed into Mexico’s border city of Tijuana, exploiting its cheap labor and shipping products back to the United States. This, along with the agricultural exports from the United States, have caused poor living and working conditions, encroached on farmland in urban areas, and led to diminishing vegetation. This thesis proposes a tridimensional border landscape of production, recreation, and ecology, based on geological and socio-economic contexts.  The project reconceives the border as a threshold that simultaneously acts as a line of security and a space of exchange.