Urban Design Studio 3: Option Design Studio

Toronto Island Canal

Toronto island is dynamic in its geology and social fabric. Historically, Toronto Island was a barricade against possibles attack from an American fleet at Fort York. Currently, the development of the Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport and surrounding neighbourhoods has shaped the island into an unrecognizable version of its historic self. However, human inhabitation is not the only contributor to reshaping of the island. Natural erosion will continuously redefine the island. Thus, in the future, a full respect should be addressed pertaining to the islands own heritage characteristics: both form human intervention and natural intervention. 

The strategy here is to open a sliver at the South West corner of the island creating a new channel to link the outer body of Lake Ontario with the inner body. 

The newly built water channel not only consolidates the connection between the inner and outer lake, but also helps revitalize the west bounds of the island. The proposed Ontario Marine Museum and luxury hotels will be popular landmarks for island tourism. Accompanied by clusters of village cottages, newly developed yacht clubs, and reinvigorated vegetated lots, these features will become key factors into intensifying the west end of Toronto Island to balance the heavy prominence of the Bill Bishop Toronto City Airport and Centreville Amusement Park.