18.07.21 - Watch Aziza Chaouni discuss the future of Ontario Place on TVO

Associate professor Aziza Chaouni discusses the future development of Ontario Place on a recent episode of TVO's The Agenda with Steve Paikin.

Chaouni is the co-lead of the Future of Ontario Place Project, a research initiative and public campaign led by the World Monuments Fund, the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario and the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design at the University of Toronto. The group's goal is to prevent Ontario Place's unique modernist structures and landscapes, designed in the late 1960s by Eberhard Zeidler and Michael Hough, from being altered or demolished in the name of redevelopment.

Ontario Place first opened to the public in 1971. The complex, owned and developed by the government of Ontario, was originally an exhibition ground, intended to act a summer retreat for Ontario families who didn't own cottages. “It’s a megastructure – so it’s a structure that attempts to integrate landscape and architecture together,” said Chaouni. “And there are very few of them in the world that were built on the water. Toronto holds one of these very few modern masterpieces. Why would it want to tamper with it?”

Watch the episode here.